What’s Happeningk?
There’s something going on with g.
I’ve noticed lately that a lot of people seem to pronounce the end of ing words with a hard g.
Sometimes it sounds like an extra g.
Or the g is so hard, it sounds like a k.
…Singing — the sound I hear is “sing-ging.”
Thinking — I hear “think-ingk.”
How long has this been happenink?
LinkedIn shenanigans
No one cares —
· that you just earned a professional certificate in “Career Essentials in Generative AI by Microsoft and LinkedIn!”
· how many books you’ve read this year.
· that you met (insert celebrity name here — e.g., Oprah, Tony Robbins, Brene’ Brown, yadda) at a conference that cost $5,000 to attend and that you’ve posted a photo of yourself with your new friend.
· that you’re so grateful for the many wonderful experiences you’ve had and lifelong friends you’ve made at the company that just riffed you.
Anyone on my team who suddenly starts using words like “corpus” or “ambiversion” in their emails should not become indignant when an eyebrow cocks. You’re not fooling anyone, Mike. We know you can’t figure out when to use effect versus affect or how to spell Margarita; we’re not willing to pretend you’ve been saying “prorogation” all along. Tell ChartGPT we said hi.